Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Comfort of Rain

Now that I'm blogging on the most important piece of the puzzle of life, HAPPINESS, I figure I should change the design and title of my blog. But, I'm not going to because the other day I realized it's a perfect fit for my blog's theme. Let me explain.

Two days ago, some would say the weather was miserable because it was gloomy and raining all day. I tend to disagree. Maybe you don't feel the same, but I find a rainy day so comforting once in a while. The other day when it was raining, I woke up, poured myself a cup of coffee, grabbed a mindless book, and curled up on the couch.

There's just something about a rainy day, especially in the spring. It makes everything smell fresh and new! But, going back to the title of my blog, my favourite part about a rainy day is going for a drive (in the passenger seat) and watching the raindrops chase each other down the window in different directions. It has always been comforting and even fascinating to me.

"To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring."
~George Santayana

I love spring, it is definitely my second favourite season next to summer. One of the reasons is that we get rainy days and then beautiful sunny days like yesterday and today. I love sunshine! It makes everyone happy! Today my boyfriend was taking garbage to the dump and I jumped in the passenger seat just to go for a drive (okay and to get ice cream after, another one of my favourite things!). It's one of the most freeing feelings to take a drive with the windows open on a bright sunny spring day, just love it!

John Ruskin says it best when it comes to weather, you always have to find the positive side!

"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather."
~John Ruskin

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Little Piece of Happiness

At 22 years old, I am finishing up my time in college and coming to a point in my life where I have to "grow up" and figure out my finances and career. I have come to realize that life isn't as peachy as it was when I was nine years old, roaming the countryside with my brothers all day long imagining we were pioneers and knights of the past.

However, life is good and I am blessed. I believe everyone should take a moment out of each day to find a piece of happiness. What do I mean, do you ask? Well, I think it's important for us to take some time to recognize something that made us laugh, shiver, cry, or just smile each day. In doing this, you will remind yourself that you are blessed, and it will keep you in a positive state of mind.

So... I will be modifying my blog to fit this theme. Since starting my own blog, I have struggled incessantly to come up with a specific topic I could focus on in each post. I have finally found it. Something I am very passionate about: HAPPINESS.

As Aristotle said, “Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”

This is not the end, please come back for more inspiration and join my journey: an exploration of happiness!