Thursday, November 26, 2009

East Bound

After I graduated high school, I travelled out east for a month. I visited all of the maritimes and Newfoundland. It was an incredible experience and I could go on and on and on telling stories. But I figured it would be easier just to post some of my pictures on my blog instead(only a few of the thousands I took). I will say this: I recommend everyone from the prairies who has a chance to go see our other half, DO IT. You will not regret it. It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL all over the maritimes and the people are GREAT! That's all for now! (From top to bottom: Rocky Harbour, Newfoundland; Dungeon Park, Newfoundland; Whale sighting off the coast of Nova Scotia; Hopewell Rocks, New Brunswick)

1 comment:

  1. This makes me so freaking sad and so freaking happy at the same time. Maritimes= Heaven on earth.
