Thursday, September 9, 2010


This is the first Apple product I have had the fortune of getting my hands on. EVER. Yes, sometimes I feel like I live in the stone ages. I have never owned an iPod, iPhone, or Mac computer...

I was an Apple virgin until this week when our advertising class was given iPads. I know what you're thinking, "You were given an iPad??" In one word, yes. Well, okay it's not mine but for this whole school year I get to share an iPad with my friend Megan (also an ad major).

Megan is also in the same boat as I am. We both own PC's and don't live in a Macintosh world like the rest of our peers. So we are going to learn how to use the iPad together!

The shared iPad has been in my possession for three days now. I have to admit I have only used it three times in those three days. But, it is fairly neat and even more fun now that I have downloaded some apps for it. I don't have much to say at the moment because I am still in the learning process, but I am shocked at the types of apps you can buy! You can buy an app for absolutely EVERYTHING.

And let's just say I wasn't expecting to have "explicit" apps show up when I searched for free ones... and even funnier yet is the fact that I didn't know what I was doing and clicked on an app called "Unlimited Sex Facts". Yes, it downloaded. And two minutes later my room mate whose iTunes account I use (no, I do not have iTunes, I know I'm in the stone ages) laughed and said to me, "watch out what you buy on that iPad, I get receipts emailed to me for every app purchased, or free"!

She was unaware of the free app that I just downloaded, but instead of confessing to her I giggled to myself and thought, she's going to have a chuckle when she reads her emails!

1 comment:

  1. Explicit apps?! Hmmm...are you sure you're hanging out in the App Store? Ha, ha!
